Saturday, December 18, 2010

joel & janna

What is it about music?
Last night the handsome man & I
went to hear Joel & Janna - an amazing
brother-sister duo that we've been 
loving ever since we saw them last year -
and it was really wonderful to see them again.

They were playing in our area for the 
Less is More Tour, and it was a really lovely 
evening of music with a quiet, contemplative 
Christmas spirit.  Their rendition of Away in 
a Manger was so beautiful that I found myself 
flooded with sweet, unexpected memories - 
and had to choke back tears.

It's always a blessing to see someone 
chasing after God's heart & plans, and I am
very much looking forward to seeing what cool 
things God has in store for their ministry in
the years to come!  If you aren't familiar with
them or their music, go look them up now
I'm sure you'll fall for them like we have.


  1. beautiful music! thanks for sharing. i've been needing new Christian music in my life. God bless.

  2. i'm so glad you are enjoying them! i just checked out your blog & shop - so many fun things :)
