Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It's totally gloomy outside today,
and if we're being honest, I'm pretty
tired from a super long day yesterday.
My inclination is to pour another
 big cup of coffee and crawl
back into my warm and cozy bed.

Maybe we're different, you and I, 
but I can always find things to be
gloomy about.  It's so easy 
to pick out things in my life that
are frustrating, bum me out, or 
plain old just annoy me.  
Especially on a rainy day.

"But godliness with contentment 
is great gain."  (I Timothy 6:6)

I often have to remind myself
that contentment is a choice.
I have absolutely no control over
the events of the day or the people
around me, but I do have the
choice to respond with grace
and contentment.

And I think it's pretty cool that
we have a promise of "grain gain"
when we chase godliness and 
contentment.  I don't know 
exactly what that means, but 
I like how good it sounds!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this post. Contentment is my daily struggle. I'm always trying to balance "striving for more" with being content. I always think of the message Ed preached YEARS ago about how the horizon is always moving...so if you're always focused on getting there...well you never will and will live a life of frustration. This was an awesome reminder. Thanks sweet girl!
