Thursday, April 22, 2010

just because

It struck me this morning, as I drove in to the office, that there are so many small happy things going on around me every day...and if I'm not stopping to celebrate them when they happen, then I'm missing them.

So here are a few happy things I've observed today (in no particular order):
* It was warm enough when I left the house that I didn't have to wear a coat.
* We have some genuinely friendly, lovely clients. How amazing to actually enjoy the people you work for.
* Some quality Bob Dylan tunes were on the radio earlier.
* Sir H happily greets me every morning when I get to work.
*One of the giant potholes that threatens to eat my car every morning has been filled.
* It smells like summer rain outside. (and it's warm enough for our door to be open so I know that!)

What about you? What happy things have you been noticing lately?

*image via tumblr

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