The fair was a perfect ending to a long weekend...and involved little to no planning or strategy, which couldn't have been nicer after planning and executing two very involved events for church.
(both of which went very well, in case you were wondering, thank you very much.)
We ate our way around the fair, consuming a variety of wonderfully bad-for-you food.
The list is actually pretty impressive, and ranges from typical fair food to the definitely not so typical: blooming onions, funnel cakes, fried dough, apple crisp, french fries, candied apple, ostrich burger, elk burger
The animals were a big draw, and we spent a ton of time just hanging over stalls and chatting.
This sheep chatted back, in a very loud sort of way.
I am coming to the conclusion that sheep might not really like me.
Then there was this little pig pile, which was all kinds of adorable.
Most of the little guys were sleeping pros, but there were a few that kept things interesting - climbing over the others and wandering around like little drunken sailors.
Watching the kids show their steers was pretty impressive.
This one little guy was my favorite, but it might have had something to do with the fact that he wore suspenders and walked like an old farmer.
We didn't think the boys would be overly interested, but they were pretty intent on all the action.
It was a lovely, colorful day, with everything perfectly set against a brilliant blue sky.
As much as I hate to say this, I think fall is here.
And it's actually pretty wonderful.
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