Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why blog?

It's not because I have oodles of free time.  Or great profound thoughts that you have to read.  Or beautiful photos that must be seen.  Or an exciting life that you just have to hear about...

(so if you're looking for any of those things, keep on looking, my friend)

It's because I'm inspired daily by really small things - almost insignificant things, really.  (a really blue sky, a small child waving at me in traffic, a piece of artwork, the way a couple on the street looked at their new baby)  I think these should be given more space in my head, so I'll try to capture them in some fleeting way here, and hopefully can look back at them later, and maybe remember the inspiration I drew from the the first time around.  

And if anyone else gets anything else out of them, more power to you.

Plus, I just got this new toy.  

Pretty, no?  

It's just dying to be used for fabulous things, and since I don't have any glamorous trips or thrilling ventures planned, I'd better make it feel important by using it on a daily basis.  So buckle up, you're going to have to bear through my learning and experimenting period.  And I do apologize in advance.  But, based on my perfectionist tendencies, either the photos will improve or I'll stop posting them, so either way you win.  :)

So here we go - I'm officially no longer just a blog lurker - I'm a blogger!

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